
iPhones in Between Board Meetings
The iPhone and the “Board Meetings” In Between Board Meetings

By Dustin McKissen, September 22, 2016

There are two types of boards.

Board A gets together at its meetings, rubber-stamps a few proposals, drinks some coffee, eats a few pastries, and doesn’t think much about the organization, its mission, or its goals in between official board meetings. Chances are good that many directors on Board A don’t actually attend all of the board meetings. Just as bad, there is also a good chance that the directors on Board A often forget to advance the cause or mission of the organization when they have the opportunity.

When you work for Board A, you often hear your colleagues who also work for boards complain about overactive, overly engaged, micromanaging board members—and you get a tiny bit jealous, because you would rather deal with the manageable challenges that come with an overactive board rather than the far more significant challenges that stem from an apathetic board.

In other words, Board A is a stereotypically disengaged board.

Hopefully you don’t work for Board A.

Hopefully you work for Board B.

Board B may have a disengaged director now and again, but overall, Board B is pretty passionate and engaged when it comes to your organization and its mission. For example, Board B understands the powerful role a trade association can play in shaping an industry or profession, the importance of a community bank in a local economy, or how impactful a school board’s decisions are in shaping a community’s future leaders.

Board B can, at times, micromanage staff members or get into heated disagreements during meetings. However, the good of Board B far outweighs the bad, and one of the positive aspects of Board B is that directors don’t forget about their organization in between board meetings. In fact, directors on Board B discuss their organization during networking events and actively seek to engage future stakeholders.

Directors on Board B also engage their colleagues on the board in between meetings, and look forward to discussing important issues and new opportunities.

And when directors are engaged in between meetings, they turn the board into something more than just a governance and oversight body.

They turn the board of directors into the source of innovation needed to take an organization to the next level.

And now it’s easier than ever to engage your board of directors in between meetings.

BoardPaq, the affordable board portal of choice for a growing number of cost-conscious organizations across the world, is now available on the iPhone. Now boards can collaborate, discuss new opportunities, and even conduct a SWOT Analysis using their iPhone.

Board engagement is one of the most-discussed topics in governance. And while there is no magic solution, providing directors with technology and tools that make it easy (and in the case of BoardPaq’s SWOT Analysis tool, even fun) to engage is a huge step toward getting the input from directors their organization needs.

Interested in learning how you can give your board the tools they need to become Board B?

Sign up for a demo with BoardPaq today!

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Dustin McKissen is the founder of McKissen + Company, an association management and marketing firm. He is a Certified Association Executive and has served as an executive or consultant to a wide variety trade associations, professional societies, and nonprofits.
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